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July in the Garden 2024

Sue Brown

We have been lucky with some lovely weather to start off July and it looks set to continue - with a smattering of showers in between.

We're hoping July is a lovely month.

Of course it means watering takes up a considerable amount of time. This is particularly true at The Garden Shop where we water all the plants and help each other out with a rota.

Everything you do is something I don’t have to

This phrase is used a lot in our family to this day and we greatly value the time we spend with both friends and family.

When I was younger I spent most of my time at the weekends and holidays outside with my grandfather and usually came home thoroughly covered in mud.

Talking to grandad one day I commented that I maybe made more work for him than helping and he replied “everything you do is something I don’t have to”, a phrase still used in our family to this day.

It does go to show though, that time spent with grandparents is important, and the skills learned then I am still using to this day.


Plant of the Month - Penstemon

What a most versatile and valuable late-flowering plant. They provide additional height in the border and are mostly left alone by the slugs in my garden. Penstemons are available in a broad array of colours and height, and require little attention other than pruning in the spring when the new shoots appear. They like a fertile, well-drained soil but reasonably moist, and will grow in full sun or light shade. If you are growing on clay then they shouldn’t need much in the way of watering, but on free-draining soil they may need watering every two weeks or so in a dry spell. Apply a general fertiliser and a mulch of organic matter every year in the Spring. Deadheading will prolong the flowering season. They are easily propagated from cuttings or seed which should be done every three to four years as they will decline. My favourite has to be ‘Sour Grapes’ which has greyish blue to purple flowers, or ‘Tubular Bells’ which is pale pink with a white throat. Why not try some in your garden …



  • Feed and water all plants in containers regularly.

  • Tall growing perennial herbaceous plants may need some support if it isn’t already in place.

  • Prune shrubs that flowered in early summer.

  • Most gardeners give their borders a feed and top dress in the Spring but a further dressing now is very beneficial, particularly if applied after cutting down any early flowering plants.

  • Summer-prune wisteria.

  • Deadhead flowers as they fade.

  • After rose flowers have shed their petals it is important to deadhead. This helps a good second flush of new flowers in a few weeks time.

  • Divide bearded irises.

  • After flag irises have finished flowering, they will benefit from a dressing of Epsom Salts. This will encourage better blooms for next year.

  • Layer and take cuttings of carnations and pinks.

  • Plant autumn-flowering bulbs.

  • Transplant seedlings of biennials sown earlier.

  • The vegetable plot should be yielding all the results of previous hard work which is very rewarding. If runner beans are dropping flowers, then a light misting with water will help them to set better. Consider growing sweet peas close to or alongside beans to encourage bees and pollinating insects. Keep small sowings of the salad crops going for a good continuity – radish, for instance, can be sown every week but don’t forget to keep it well watered to prevent the roots going ‘pithy’. During hot, dry weather lettuces may be prone to bolting so try adding some shade and keep them well watered.


  • Fill any gaps in beds and borders with bedding

  • Sow the last vegetables for harvesting in Autumn

  • Plant out all winter brassicas

  • If next Spring’s wallflowers have not been sown yet, don’t delay, otherwise it will be too late.


  • Make plans to ensure plants are cared for if you are taking a holiday

  • Plan Spring-flowering bulbs

Happy gardening!

Sue Brown

Opening hours: Shop: 9.00-5.00pm Monday to Saturday, 10.00 -4.00pm Sunday

Café: 10.00-4.00pm Monday to Sunday King Street, Colyton, Devon EX24 6LF

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